Thursday, November 4, 2010

Good Morning!!

Good Morning Everyone!!
 This beautiful November 4th 2010 morning. Bridgette is now a month and three days old. Gosh how time flies!! She laughed for the first time Tuesday night after I gave her bottle and wiped the extra formula that came down here mouth. Because she wears her food like her father!! It was cute I tried to get her to laugh again but she wasn't having it and wanted the rest of her bottle. Gosh sorry for not being fast enough for you baby girl!! Then Wednesday afternoon while grandma Holly was changing her diaper for the millionth time that afternoon. - Bridgette has the worst diaper rash I've ever seen so we have to keep changing her even if she has only gone once but it's getting so much better now since she has an cream that the her pediatrician gave us to use with her diaper rash cream.- but anyways grandma Holly was kissing her and making funny sounds that Bridgette laughed again!! She is so dang cute!! It seems like Yesterday I was just in the hospital getting ready to be induced. And now she is already a month old and getting so big at her last most recent doctors visit she weighed in at 9 lbs 12 oz and 22 1/2 in. And her head came in at around!! She is a growing girl her weight is in the 75%. and her height is in the 95% and her head is in the 50%!! Gosh!! Big Girl!! How big is Bridgette?? Bridgette is Soo BIG!!! Well friends and family sleeping beauty is up from her cat nap I'll update you all later!!

Peace and love!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vivian,
    Liam used to get TERRIBLE diaper rash, blistery kind of rashes. Don't use traditional diaper creams. My Dr. had us switch to antifungal creams (like Lotrimin) that you can find in the foot cream section at the store. And put baking soda in her bath. It cleared Liam up really well. A better solution is to switch your disposable diapers for cloth diapers.
    I use these for Sid, and she has never had a diaper rash. Disposibles are full of chemicals that lead to diaper rash. If you don't want to do cloth, try Seventh Generation chemical free diapers.
